Are you a forced migrant and identify as transgender, nonbinary, and/or gender non-conforming?

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Bild på en gul ros. Foto: Mostphotos

Information for research participants

The purpose is to explore experiences of migrating from another country and coming to Sweden as transgender, non-binary, and/or gender non-conforming. To participate in the study, you need to be 18 years or older.

The organization responsible for this project is the Swedish Red Cross University. The application has been approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority, approval number 2022-01483-01.

FAQ about the ETF project

How is the project conducted?

We ask you to participate in an interview. We ask questions about your health and well-being, your experiences of support, whether you have experienced any discrimination and how you experienced the support from the healthcare system. Your participation is voluntary and you can choose to discontinue your participation at any time.

How does the interview work?

We ask you who migrated to Sweden as a refugee and identify yourself as transgender, non-binary, and/or gender non-conforming to participate in an interview. The interview takes place either at the Swedish Red Cross University, Flemingsberg, or a location of your choice. We will decide together with you how it will be for you. The interview takes about one to two hours, depending on how much you want to talk. With your consent, we will record the interview on an audio file. The audio file is then written down as text and analyzed at group level. You are interviewed individually by a person who works in the project. To participate in the study, you need to be 18 years or older.

The interviewers are researchers and psychologists working in the project. We have different backgrounds and identities, and queer identities are represented among us. We are very interested in hearing about your experiences and our goal is to understand how the support can be improved.

Possible consequences and risks of participating in the project

Participation in the study is not expected to involve any risks. If you experience discomfort or the need for psychological support after the interview, we can help you get in touch with healthcare.

What happens to my data?

We do not ask you for any identifiable information such as name or social security number. A code list with the number of the interview is stored in a fireproof locked cabinet to which only those working in the project have access. Your answers will be analyzed at group level and the results will be presented as articles in scientific journals. No individual will be able to be identified. Data is stored in password-protected storage for 10 years in locked fireproof cabinets at the Department of Health Sciences, The Swedish Red Cross University, as well as in encrypted digital storage spaces. Collected material is handled confidentially. Your answers will be processed in a way that unauthorized persons cannot access them.

The responsibility for your personal data is The Swedish Red Cross University. According to the EU's data protection regulation, you have the right to access the information about you handled in the project free of charge, and if necessary, to have any errors corrected. You can also request that the information about you be deleted and that the processing of your personal data be restricted. However, the right to delete data and restrict access to it does not apply when the data is necessary for the current research. If you want to access the information, please contact Tommy Carlsson (e-mail:, phone: +46 (0)8-587 516 21). The Data Protection Officer can be reached at If you are dissatisfied with the way your personal data is processed, you have the right to file a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, which is the supervisory authority.

How do I get information about the results of the project?

If you want to access your individual data or the results of the study, you can contact the person in charge of the study. In the event of unforeseen findings, these may be reported in scientific articles.

Insurance and compensation

No insurance is applicable, as you are participating in an interview. You who participate in the interview will receive a gift card worth SEK 500 via GoGift. It is not required to pay taxes for this compensation. Compensation for lost working hours is not paid.

Participation is voluntary

Your participation is voluntary, and you can choose to discontinue your participation at any time. If you choose not to participate or wish to discontinue your participation, you do not need to state why. If you wish to discontinue your participation, please contact the person responsible for the project (see below). To conduct the interview, we need your contact details, and you sign a consent form that we provide you.

Researcher in charge of the project

Tommy Carlsson, Associate professor
Department of Health Sciences, The Swedish Red Cross University.
E-mail:, Phone: +46 (0)8- 587 516 21
Address: Hälsovägen 11C, 141 57 Huddinge

Who are the researchers conducting the interviews?


We who conduct the interviews are health professionals and experienced researchers. One is a licensed psychologist with clinical experience of supporting transgender persons, and two of us work as senior lecturers at the Swedish Red Cross University. We conduct research in the project A safer future, focusing on the psychosocial health and wellbeing of forced migrants identifying as LGBTQ+. In the project, we collaborate together with persons who have lived experience of arriving in Sweden as LGBTQ+. We look forward to gaining more valuable insights and knowledge by interviewing LGBTQ+ forced migrants. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns!

Best wishes,

Tommy Carlsson, Hannah Bergman, and Maria Gottvall
Researchers and psychologist/nurse-midwives

Maria Gottvall. Foto: Sören Andersson

Hälsovetenskapliga institutionen

Maria Gottvall

PhD, docent, lektor

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Tommy Carlsson. Foto: Privat

Hälsovetenskapliga institutionen

Tommy Carlsson

Docent, lektor

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