Maria Christidis

Publicerad: 16 Sep 2022
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Title: Senior lecturer, Educational developer, PhD in Didactics, Registered Nurse. Affiliated to Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society.
Department: The Department of Health Sciences
Phone: +46(0)8 – 587 516 95
ORCID: 0000-0001-6804-6855
Dissertation year: 2020
Thesis: Integrated teaching for expanded vocational knowing: Studies in the Swedish upper secondary Health and social care program

About me

I am a senior lecturer in nursing, a PhD in Didactics and a registered nurse. I teach at the nursing programme and specialist nursing programmes at the Swedish Red Cross University College.

Further, I am a certified upper secondary school teacher in Swedish, English, Modern Greek, and a vocational teacher in health and social care. I am also an author of educational books and a scriptwriter for healthcare-related educational films.

As a nurse, I have clinical experience from a number of specialties, such as acute geriatrics, infectious medicine, and primary care. My pedagogical competence and experience comes from many years of teaching, partly in upper secondary school, partly in higher education, such as the vocational teacher program in health and social care at Stockholm University. In my dissertation, on subject-integrated teaching and vocational knowledge/professional knowledge in upper secondary school as in higher nursing education, I have had the opportunity to explore teaching in a care context. The results showed that subject-integrated teaching makes available an expanded type of knowing that exceeds was it made available in traditional teaching.

In my current teaching, I strive for a good didactic design, and have introduced Tram-Based Learning (TBL) in the nursing program.

Research profile

My research interest is focused on pedagogical and didactic questions, in addition to nursing and language. In my dissertation, the focus was on didactics in subject-integrated teaching in upper secondary school as in higher nursing education.

I am currently involved in a collaborative research project with Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet in which we investigate students’ development of academic and professional writing in the dental program, in the nursing program and in the teacher program.

I also lead the network for vocational subjects at Stockholm Teaching and Learning Studies (STLS) which is a platform for research with the purpose of developing teaching. I design research projects, based on what knowledge is needed, and carry out these with teachers in upper secondary school and in adult education. In an ongoing research project in the upper secondary Natural science program, in the orientation of animals, teaching concerning vocationally related mathematics for vocational knowledge within animal caretaking is explored.

Brief facts

  • Knowledge, competence, experience and interest in nursing, language and teaching
  • Author of educational books
  • Scriptwriter of healthcare-related educational films
  • Research within higher education, didactics and nursing
  • Didactical design, for instance TBL


Christidis, M. (2013). Vård och omsorgsarbete 1. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Christidis, M. (2013). Vård och omsorgsarbete 1, lärarhandledning. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Christidis, M., Lindberg, V. (2017). Lärares samverkan för yrkeskunnande, i antologin Yrkesdidaktikens mångfald (Red. Andreas Fejes, Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik), Stockholm, Lärarförlaget

Christidis, M., Lindberg, V. (2019). Subject-integrated teaching for expanded vocational knowing and everyday situations in a Swedish upper secondary Health and social care program. Vocations and Learning, October 2019, vol.12, issue 3, pp. 479-498.

Christidis, M. (2019). Vocational knowing in subject-integrated teaching: A case study in a Swedish upper secondary Health and social care program. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, June 2019, vol.21, pp. 21-33.

Christidis, M. (2019). Integrated teaching for vocational knowing: A systematic review of research on nursing-related vocational education and training. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, September 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 19-50. doi: 10.3384/njvet.2242-458X.199219  

Lindberg, V., Louca Jounger, S., Christidis, M., Christidis, N. (2020). Characteristics of dental note taking: a material based themed analysis of Swedish dental students. BMC Medical Education 20, 511 (2020).

Lindberg, V., Louca Jounger, S., Christidis M., Christidis, N. (2021). Literacy as part of professional knowing in a Swedish dental education. BMC Medical Education 21, 373 (2021).

Christidis, M., Christidis, N. (2020). Mötet med patienten. I boken: Bettfysiologi: Orofacial smärta och käkfunktion (red. Nikolaos Christidis), Stockholm: Gothia Fortbildning, 2020, s. 173-189
Bengtsson, M.

Christidis, M., Lundström U, Stenlund A-L.  (2021). Omvårdnad 1. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Bengtsson, M., Christidis, M., Lundström U, Stenlund A-L.  (2021). Omvårdnad 2. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Bengtsson, M., Christidis, M., Lundström U, Stenlund A-L.  (2021). Hälso- och sjukvård 1. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Bengtsson, M., Christidis, M., Lundström U, Stenlund A-L.  (2021). Hälso- och sjukvård 2. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Christidis, M., Bengtsson, M., Lundström U, Stenlund A-L.  (2021). Omvårdnad 1, lärarhandledning. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Bengtsson, M., Lundström U., Christidis, M., Stenlund A-L.  (2021). Omvårdnad 2, lärarhandledning. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Bengtsson, M.,  Lundström U., Christidis, M., Stenlund A-L.  (2021). Hälso- och sjukvård 1, lärarhandledning. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Stenlund A-L.,  Bengtsson, M., Christidis, M., Lundström U, (2021). Hälso- och sjukvård 2, lärarhandledning. Gleerups Utbildning AB, Malmö

Christidis, N., Lindberg, V., Louca Jounger, S., Christidis, M. (2022). Early steps towards professional clinical note-taking in a Swedish study programme in dentistry. BMC Medical Education 2022 Sep 14; 22 (1): 676. Doi: 10.1186/s12909-022-03727-7.

Christidis, M. & Christidis, N. (2023). Ämnesintegrerad undervisning inom professionsutbildningar. Gleerups utbildning AB, Malmö


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